Company Details

European Auto Parts

  • European Auto Parts logo
  • European Auto Parts Summary

    8/16/13 at 10:03 AM PST Scambook called European Auto Parts at (720) 254-0546 but there was a message stating "the number you have reached is not in service". There is no valid email contact available for this business but Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

    Information about European Auto Parts was first submitted to Scambook on Mar 26, 2013. Since then the page has accumulated 1 consumer complaint. On average users reported $280.00 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 7 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Aug 16, 2013.

  • Company Information

  • Address:
    • 10750 Irma Drive
    • Suite 22
    • Northglenn CO 80233
  • Phone:(303) 280-2446, (720) 254-0546
  • Email Not Yet on File
  • Additional Employees:
    • Eugene Kornishkin Owner
  • Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion

Company Rating

Company Statistics

  • Complaints Unresolved
  • Unresolved Reported Damage $280.00

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